AIS SIM2FLY BLANK SIM Card is SIM Card only without load you can activate the SIM on the first purchase of the Data package.
- You can have a SIM Card ready to use anytime, especially when you don’t know your travel date.
- Long expiry date.
Please get in touch with our Team in FB for activation or Topup order:
AIS SIM2FLY SIM cad is the most reliable roaming DATA Sim card for Seafarers and travelers. The SIM can be used over and over again for just top-up with several packages to choose from. Any AIS SIM2fly SIM is eligible to TOPUP either Asia/Australia coverage of global coverage.
Shoreaccess supports ship’s crew while onboard by providing an advance top-up before vessel arrival in port or we can coordinate with your family and friends to Top-up your SIM. Please contact us in our FB: